The beggining was in 2012, Business City team decided to design and develop a full Arabic system that is simple, modern and accurate. Taking into conideration market needs and government/private requirements to manage employees attendance in very transparent manner, with 100% correct outputs and reports. This vision resluted in a flexible, scalable and integratable system called Hadir
In Hadir we innovate ideas in cooporation with our clients which results in otptimum benefit from all system resources
WIth schaduled updates in every quarter in the year, users will always take advantage of all features and add-ons
A modern up to date desing support to allow for best browsing experience across all protable and desktop devices
Simplelisty and usablity are key facotors we take into consideration to guarantee best experience for users
Integration with current solutions is a key in our products to guarantee const and effort effective service
Reading employees data like employee id, name, departments and syncronizing them automatically to Hadir
Reading employees vacations and all employee's registered excuses from HR system.
Hadir will allow provisioning employees deductions and shortages after approval from management to HR & Payroll system
Employee will use same Active Directory Credentials to log in to Hadir
Following same login process used in all organizations system, single sign on integration will guarantee security and privacy
Hadir supports most of the famous and well known fingerprint readers regardless of the integration technology used
Hadir supports various face and iris recognition technologies
Smart cards is one of the various technologies Hadir supports to indentify and verfy employees and record their attendance
Following the same sms notification configurations used in an organization, Hadir conusmes the same service with ability to provide special sms service that comes as packages with Hadir
Email notification is also supported in Hadir in all services available in the system
Now you can manage all employee requests and oversees their attendance by simple click in Hadir mobible. Fully supports push notifications for better follow up and intercation between employees and supervisors/p>
Hadir Mobile allows employees to proof thier attendance by using their account in Hadir mobile app while they exist in pre-defined geographical area, it also allows multiple locations for each employee
Supervisors and employees will be reciveing notifications telling them of the status of the request initiated and approved/denied
We will always be happy to hear from you!